Zachowania konsolidacyjne past gruntowych jako potencjalnego materiału izolacyjnego


  • Paweł Dobak
  • Sebastian Kowalczyk


Consolidation behavior of soil paste applied as an potential insulating material.A b s t r a c t. The paper presents the application of consolidation tests for coefficient permeability evaluation in cohesive soils. The insulating property of Neogene green clays from overburden of Bełchatów lignite mine are subject to study. These soils are potentially fine material to construct barriers for insulating of contaminations. The results of paste samples tests are compared with behavior of non disturbed structure. The difference of natural and artificial formed structure affect on physical properties and permeability behavior too. The continuous loading consolidation tests let to obtain effective seepage of pore water in short time but head gradient is higher than in natural conditions. It caused contraction effects and may decrease the permeability, when pore water pressure is not dissipate. The consolidation stress and pore water pressure is mainly factor of tests results variability. Differences between permeability of samples formed from paste and natural structure samples may depend on mineral composition and compaction of paste. Consolidation tests let quickly evaluate permeability of cohesive soil with respect for the different factors considered in optional barriers designs.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia