Zachowanie się glin lodowcowych z warszawskiego Ursynowa podczas obciążeń statycznych i dynamicznych
Stress-strain behaviour of glacial till fromthe Ursynów suburb ofWarsaw under static and dynamic loading.A b s t r a c t. The stress-strain behaviour of tills under static and dynamic loadings were analyzed in the paper. Test results conducted on the tills from Ursynów area inWarsaw are presented. Extensive spectrum of advanced laboratory testing (including SEM, Row-Barden consolidometer, ring-shear apparatus, dynamic triaxial testing system) was used to determine physical, mechanical and microstructural properties of tills. Under static loadings studied tills have showed the behavior characteristic to overconsolidated soils. Parameters of residual shears strength are 40% lower comparing to maximum shear strength. Under cyclic loading of acceleration up to 1.5 m/s2 the failure did not appear. Cyclic loading causes a reduction in shear resistance, post-cyclic shear strength is equal to 18–76% of static (monotonic) shear strength of studied tills.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia