Wpływ kierunku iluminacji na wyniki geologicznej interpretacji DEM— przykłady z Karpat Zachodnich


  • Wojciech Ozimkowski


Effect of direction of sun shading on geological interpretation of DEM – examples from the Weastern Carpathians.A b s t r a c t . The paper presents results of comparison of 2 sets of geological interpretations of the same DEM (Digital Elevation Model), obtained with 2 different, perpendicular sun shading directions (N and E). Lineaments perpendicular to sun shading direction are at least 10 times better visible than lineaments parallel to it but this influence is visible only at relatively narrow angles. In turn, lineaments situated between ca. 25–65° from sun shading direction show no such influence so they fit to statistical purposes.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia