Hydrogeological cartography as a tool supporting water management, spatial planning and environmental protection


  • Piotr Herbich
  • Małgorzata Woźnicka
  • Stanisław Witczak


A b s t r a c t. Hydrogeological cartography, intensively developed in Poland over the last several years, is an essential tool for conducting hydrogeological, economic and environmental analysis of the conditions of groundwater occurrence, undertaken for designing new projects and hydrogeological investigation, design work and hydrogeological studies, looking for areas with particularly favorable conditions for the recognition of groundwater, hydrogeological regionalization for economic needs, planning groundwater monitoring locations, assessing quantitative and chemical status of groundwater, planning and developing programs for the protection of groundwater. Cartographic data produced using digital GIS techniques, are the primary resource for information about the conditions of groundwater occurrence, together with their quantitative and qualitative characteristics. Information gathered in the database of Hydrogeological Map of Poland (MhP) is necessary for preparing analyses by the Polish Hydrogeological Survey, such as status assessments, forecasting changes in groundwater quantity and quality and identifying threats to groundwater resources.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia