Instalacja geotermalna w Pyrzycach jako przykład pozyskiwania czystej i odnawialnej energii w ciepłownictwie oraz wód termalnych do balneologii i rekreacji


  • Henryk Biernat
  • Stanisław Kulik
  • Bogdan Noga


Geothermal heating plant in Pyrzyce (NW Poland) as an example of sourcing of thermal energy and waters for balneology and recreation.A b s t r a c t. Thermal waters (61oC) occurring in the Lower Jurassic reservoirs in the Pyrzyce region (approx. 1600 m b.s.l.) are used mainly in heating plant and their chemical composition allow to apply them in balneology and recreation. In the summer time in the Pyrzyce plant only the geothermal waters are used. In the autumn winter season, when higher temperatures of water for municipal network are needed, the system is supported by absorption heat pumps. Usage of geothermal waters in the Pyrzyce municipal heat system eliminated small carbon boilers and reduced considerable emission of harmful substance to atmosphere.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia