Złoża węglowodorów w utworach cechsztyńskiego dolomitu głównego (Ca2) na bloku Gorzowa


  • Edward Czekański
  • Krzysztof Kwolek
  • Zbigniew Mikołajewski


Hydrocarbon fields in the Zechstein Main Dolomite (Ca2) on the Gorzów Block (NW Poland).A b s t r a c t. By discoveries of hydrocarbon deposits in the Polish part of the Southern Permian Basin, Western Poland became a key explorational area. The most spectacular discoveries have been done on the Gorzów Block which borders the Fore-Sudetic Monocline from the south and the Szczecin Swell from the north. This is the area where the biggest oil field – Barnówko–Mostno–Buszewo (BMB) – have been discovered and the group of oil and gas deposits Lubiatów–Międzychód–Grotów (LMG). Detailed litho-facies analysis of Main Dolomite carbonates and seismic surveys (mainly 3D) contributed to good recognition of depositional architecture in this part of the Main Dolomite basin. An interesting issue is the relationship of the discovered deposits with carbonate depositional zones and diverse chemical composition of hydrocarbons. Most of deposits is related to carbonate platforms and microplatforms. Less important are platform slopes but basinal zone is and was considered as the area where source rocks occur. Discovery of the Lubiatów oil deposit at the foot of the Grotów Peninsula opened new possibilities in searching for hydrocarbons. Later negative results of drillings in this zone did not affected the fact that there are still explorational hopes for this type of carbonates. Hydrocarbons which can still be discovered in this interval are still not known based on calculations done in the recent years. It seems, that better geochemical recognition and advanced look on diageneticevolution and depositional architecture will bring about new discoveries in the Main Dolomite interval on the Gorzów Block.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia