Złoże – kopalina – surowiec mineralny. Podstawowe terminy geologii gospodarczo-złożwej i potrzeba ich uwzględnienia w przepisach prawa geologicznego i górniczego.


  • Marek Nieć


Deposit – resources – mineral raw material. Basic terms of economic geology which should be taken into account in regulations of the Geological and Mining Law.A b s t r a c t. The terms mineral deposit, mineral commodity, mineral raw material are the basic as in economic geology as in geological and mining law. They are not however univocally defined and often influenced by actual legislative exigencies. The uniform terminology was proposed. Mineral commodity – any rock or rock constituent derived from it during mining, or confined to it liquid or gas, which exploited in natural state or after processing became mineral raw material. Mineral raw materials – products of mineral deposit exploitation; mineral substances detached from its natural place of occurrence, and prepared for utilization. Mineral deposit – natural accumulation of mineral substances – mineral commodity – which exploitation is possible and may be economically justified. Accompanying mineral commodity – natural accumulation of low value mineral commodity within or close to the deposit of other one (considered main or principal), which exploitation is possible and may be economically justified if principal commodity is mined. Anthropogenic deposit – man made accumulation of mineral substances which directly or after processing may be utilized as mineral raw material.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia