Opracowanie wytycznych projektowych poprawy chłonności skał zbiornikowych w związku z zatłaczaniem wód termalnych w polskich zakładach geotermalnych – projekt badawczy Ministerstwa Środowiska


  • Grażyna Hołojuch


Design guidelines for improving absorption properties of reservoir rocks in thermal water injection in Polish geothermal plants – research project under contract awarded by the Ministry of the Environment.A b s t r a c t . The article presents the assumptions of the research project aimed at working out design guidelines to improve absorption properties of reservoir rocks under conditions of thermal water injection in Polish geothermal companies, exploiting waters from different lithological types of reservoir rocks: Lower Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits (Polish Lowlands) and Eocene-Triassic rocks (Podhale Basin). The proposed methodology will be subject to testing on the existing well doublets, Skierniewice GT-1 and Skierniewice GT-2 made in the 90s of the last century. Extremely important for an operator of geothermal system is to achieve maximum absorbency and maintain its value at the same level as long as possible. To meet this goal this research program dedicated to work out realization of this investment subordinated. The results of the work carried out should contribute to more dynamic development of geothermal energy utilization in our country for heating purposes.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia