Perspektywy wykorzystania zasobów wód termalnych jury dolnej z regionu niecki szczecińskiej (północno-zachodnia Polska) w ciepłownictwie, balneologii i rekreacji
Prospects of use of thermal water resources of Lower Jurassic aquifer in the Szczecin Trough (NW Poland) for space heating and balneology and recreation.A b s t r a c t.The paper presents results of a research project entitled Geological analysis and assessment of thermal water and energy resources of Mesozoic formations in the Szczecin Trough. The Lower Jurassic aquifer is the most prospective Mesozoic aquifer in the Szczecin Through (NW Poland). Lindal’s diagram was analyzed in order to investigate possibilities of Lower Jurassic geothermal resources utilization in that part of the country. It shows potential directions of thermal water application depending on its temperature. Utilization of geothermal resources for heating purposes is determined mainly by water temperatures and discharge of wells. Characterization of these parameters enabled the evaluation of Lower Jurassic disposable geothermal energy resources in Szczecin Through. Deployment and amounts of disposable geothermal energy resources indicate areas where geothermal installations could be constructed. Water temperature and mineralization have the largest impact on usability of thermal water for recreation and balneological purposes. The final results and summary of the study were presented in the form of map indicating optimal areas for development of geothermal resources for heating, recreation and balneological purposes.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia