Możliwości wykorzystania wód termalnych występujących na terenie Wielkopolski do celów leczniczych i rekreacyjnych
Thermal waters in the Wielkopolska region and possibilities of their use for therapeutics and recreation.A b s t r a c t. Wielkopolska is one of the few Polish provinces in which resources of ground waters useful for therapeutics and recreation are still untapped. These resources of C or B category were examined in 70-ties and 80-ties of the last century, when 70 deep exploratory boreholes had been done in Wielkopolska region. On the base of the results of physicochemical analysis indicated were different possibilities of exploitation of the water from boreholes located in: Koszuty – commune S³upca, borehole OEroda IG-2, Czeszewo – commune Mi³os³aw, borehole IG-1 and Poznañ, nearby Malta Lake, borehole Swarzêdz IGH-1. These boreholes were indicated because of their exploitable resources, water properties as well as natural landscape values of the spots, their infrastructure, climatic conditions and environmental factors. The water from these boreholes were categorized as sodium chloride thermal water of diverse total mineralization degree (0.46–1.79%) and temperature range 34–42oC. The particular waters from indicated boreholes are appropriate for many purposes as: recreation and therapy in their natural state.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia