Główne bariery rozwoju wykorzystania energii geotermalnej w Polsce. Propozycje zmian


  • Beata Kępińska
  • Barbara Tomaszewska


Main barriers for geothermal energy development in Poland. Proposals of changes.A b s t r a c t . Poland possess geothermal energy resources suitable for direct implementation, especially in a wide heating sector. However, adequate legal provisions and financial instruments are necessary as a basis for its development. The paper presents main legal and financial barriers that hamper geothermal development in Poland as well as necessary amendments and new tools proposed by professionals – scientists and practitioners involved in geothermal sector. The proposals take into account the proven solutions which have been successfully implemented in other EU countries (e.g. France and Germany) for many years . They shall be followed while introducing adequate changes in Poland. Furthermore, the changes and amendments of some legal provisions and principles of financial support initiated by some ministries and governmental agencies for geothermal projects. These proposals, when considered jointly with the initiatives coming from geothermal sector, shall initiate wider geothermal development and shall also contribute to the realization of national energy strategy as well as country’s international obligations on renewable energy sources uses’ increase in Poland. Keywords: geothermal energy, barriers for geothermal energy development, legislation, financing, Poland




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia