Stan i perspektywy wykorzystania energii geotermalnej na świecie i w Europie


  • Beata Kępińska


Geothermal energy use in Europe and worldwide: current status and future prospects.A b s t r a c t. According to the data presented at the World Geothermal Congress 2010, geothermal energy is directly used in 78 countries. Geothermal electricity generation is reported by 24 countries. In Europe geothermal is directly used in 37 countries. In 2009 installed capacity amounted to 24 469.3 MWt while heat use was 233 736,7 TJ (46.7% and 53,4% of a global share of geothermal, respectively). In Europe (including Turkey) geothermal power plants using geothermal steam to generate electricity are operated in Iceland, Italy, Turkey, Portugal (12,5% of installed capacity and geothermal electricity production worldwide). The interest is growing in power generation via binary schemes using 100–120°C water (in Europe first pilot installations of 0,2–3 MWe capacities were launched in recent years). In many countries geothermal energy is among the most prospective renewable because of ecological and economic reasons. It is less sensitive to changes of traditional energy prices at the international markets and makes it possible to reduce dependence on imported fuels and, in this way, increase energy safety.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia