Działania Ministerstwa Środowiska na rzecz rozwoju geotermii w Polsce
The Ministry of the Environment acticities supporting development of geothermal energy in Poland.A b s t r a c t. The development of geothermal plants in Poland is accelerating and it is high on the priority list of the Ministry of the Environment. Thermal water is one of the cleanest renewable energy sources but its economic exploitation requires support at the administrative level and a favorable regulatory environment. Therefore, the Ministry of the Environment is implementing its policy of development of geothermy in Poland through a legislative initiative and information activities and support. That legislative initiative has taken the form of a government proposal of a new Geological and Mining Law. The new law, which was already submitted to the parliament, markedly simplifies procedures necessary for prospecting, exploration and exploitation of the thermal water. In addition, there was prepared an information packet for enterpreneuers planning investments in geothermy. The packet ( contains guidelines for proper preparation of an application for concession and lists documents and permits required in the process of awarding concession, in accordance with regulations introduced by the Geological and Mining Law and the Energy Law, and information regarding the state aid and support of EU funds which entrepreneurs may obtain for financing the prospecting and exploration of the thermal waters deposits and construction of geothermal plants. Bearing in mind the need of further development of the geothermal plants and the new geological research and implementation of the new technologies, the Ministry of the Environment has awarded contracts for new research projects which are financed by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW).Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia