Czynniki określające stężenia i stosunki aktywności izotopów radu w wodach podziemnych


  • Nguyen Dinh Chau
  • Mariusz Kopeć


Factors controlling concentrations and activity ratios of radium isotopes in groundwaters.A b s t r a c t . Factors controlling concentration and activity ratios of radium isotopes in groundwaters are presented. The influence of lithology, hydrological conditions and chemical composition of groundwaters on radium content is discussed. Based on simple model of adsorption/desorption processes in the rock-water system, the numerical model of evolution of radium isotopes content was developed using Monte-Carlo (MC) method. Assuming that the waters are of similar age and occur under similar conditions, one can state that concentrations of radium isotopes are the highest in Na-Cl type waters, intermediate in waters with predominant carbonate mineralization, and the lowest in sulfate-type waters. In water with predominant Na-Cl mineralization the 226Ra concentration should be higher than that of 228Ra, whereas in sulfate waters this relation is inverse.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia