Ilościowa charakterystyka porowatości i przepuszczalności utworów czerwonego spągowca potencjalnie zawierających gaz ziemny zamknięty
Quantitative porosity and permeability characterization of potential Rotliegend tight gas reservoirs.A b s t r a c t. Within a frame of the research project on Rotliegend tight gas, a data base comprising 760 full sets of reservoir and permeability parameters was created. Data from 55 wells were collected from interval of 1650–5003 m. The obtained results showed presence of clastic reservoirs sufficient for formation of “tight gas” type deposits in each of the analyzed wells. In most of the wells, reservoir rock series with non-zero permeability were detected. Parameters of pore space suggest the major role of compaction processes in pore space evolution, except for some areas where cementation processes were predominating. A high-permeability anomaly characterizing a separate group of eolian sandstones from the depths of over 4000 m anomaly may be explained as due to presence of pseudo- and micro-fractures.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia