Zmiany właściwości konsolidacyjnych, filtracyjnych i mikrostrukturalnych glin lodowcowych w przebiegu badań konsolidacji z ciągłym wzrostem obciążenia


  • Piotr Stajszczak
  • Paweł Dobak
  • Katarzyna Gendek


Changes in the consolidation, seepage and microstructural properties of glacial tills estimated in continuous loading tests.A b s t r a c t. The article presents results of CRL (Constant Rate of Loading) tests obtained for glacial till from the Warsaw region (Fort Służew). The analyses show that the significant factors affecting the course of the consolidation with continuous loading (CL) of tested soils are related to the degree of water saturation of pore space, the state of soil structure, and the rate of loading. Values of filtration and consolidation parameters documented during CRL tests are dependent on the structural history and properties of soils. Before and after CRL tests, microstructure of till was studied by SEM methods. Changes in the pore space parameters in matrix microstructure, evaluated from CRL tests, are marked in different consolidation behaviours of tested natural and remould till.




Geologia inżynierska, geomechanika