PRAWO I ADMINISTRACJA GEOLOGICZNA Poszukiwanie, rozpoznawanie oraz wydobywanie złóż ropy naftowej i gazu ziemnego w Polsce – procedury udzielania koncesji i perspektywy naftowe w 2021 roku


  • Grzegorz Jagielski
  • Sylwia Kijewska
  • Ewelina Krzyżak
  • Jowita Kumek
  • Olga Rosowiecka
  • Joanna Roszkowska-Remin
  • Piotr Słomski
  • Łukasz Smajdor
  • Marcin Wesołowski
  • Krystian Wójcik


Prospection, exploration and production of hydrocarbons in Poland – licensing procedures and petroleum prospectives in 2021A b s t r a c t. On June 26, 2020, the Polish Minister of the Environment announced the boundaries of four areas dedicated to the next, 5th tender round for hydrocarbon concessions in Poland, planned in 2021. These are: Gryfice, Gorzów Wielkopolski S, Kartuzy and Siedlce W. The main exploration target of the areas located in western Poland – Gryfice and Gorzów Wielkopolski S – is related to conventional accumulations of oil and gas in the Permian/Main Dolomite. Moreover, the Permian/Rotliegend and Carboniferous/Westphalian sandstones are an additional target in the Gryfice area. On the other side – in the northern and eastern part of Poland (East European Platform), the Kartuzy and Siedlce W areas are prospective for shale-gas and shale-oil discoveries in the Lower Paleozoic shale formations, as well as for conventional and tight-gas/tight oil accumulations in the Cambrian sandstones. These four areas have been selected from 24 proposals reported by the Polish Geological Survey as the most prospective areas for petroleum exploration. However, the tender procedure is only one of two ways of granting concession in Poland. The second way is the open-door procedure, in which an entity may apply for a concession in any area that is not a subject of a tender or other concession, but the area cannot be greater than 1200 km2.




Geologia ekonomiczna, geologia złóż