Skład chemiczny wód podziemnych dopływających z Pobrzeża Kaszubskiego do Zatoki Puckiej


  • Dawid Potrykus
  • Małgorzata Pruszkowska-Caceres
  • Beata Jaworska-Szulc
  • Anna Gumuła-Kawęcka
  • Adam Szymkiewicz


Chemical composition of groundwater discharged from the Kashubian Coast to the Bay of Puck.A b s t r a c t. This study presents preliminary results of investigation of groundwater chemical composition (major ions, nitrogen and phosphorus compounds) in a coastal multi-aquifer groundwater system in the Puck Municipality. It was found that the groundwater composition is specific for each aquifer and shows some local variation. There is also a clear vertical geochemical inversion within the aquifers, with the highest concentrations of dissolved components in the shallowest aquifer. In general, all of the aquifers represent groundwater quality classes I, II and III, which can be evaluated as good quality according to Polish environmental law. An increase in the concentrations of principal pollution indicators over time has been observed only in the shallow aquifer. Distribution of basic pollution indicators in the groundwater implies a local impact of agriculture, as well as an influence of municipal wastes from households and farms. Poor sanitary conditions of farms, animal husbandry, storage and distribution of organic fertilizers (e.g. manure) can be potential sources of contamination. However, concentrations of contaminants in the coastal zone of aquifers discharging to the Bay of Puck are within the range for quality classes I and II, and generally lower than the concentrations measured in seawater, which suggests limited impact of the terrestrial groundwater discharge on the Bay of Puck contamination.



