Przyrodnicze i geologiczne zainteresowania Jana Amosa Komeńskiego (1592–1670) – w 350 rocznicę śmierci


  • Janusz Skoczylas


Natural and geological interests of Jan Amos Comenius (1592–1670). On the 350th anniversary of death.A b s t r a c t. The article refers to the 350th anniversary of the death of an outstanding educator, philosopher, theologian and politician Jan Amos Comenius who was active in the years 1628–1656, mainly in Leszno. This extremely versatile researcher also showed interest in natural science. Although he was not a pioneer in this field, the number of his works, the number of editions, as well as numerous translations into foreign languages contributed to the popularization of natural sciences, including Earth sciences. Unfortunately, few geologists have come across his achievements in this field.




Historia geologii