ARTYKUŁY I KOMUNIKATY NAUKOWE Przejawy mineralizacji polimetalicznej w strukturze elewacji Brudzowic (Siewierza) na bloku górnośląskim (południowa Polska)
Polymetallic hydrothermal mineralization of the Brudzowice (Siewierz) elevation structure in the Upper Silesian Block (southern Poland).A b s t r a c t. In the northern part of the Upper Silesian Block, there is a latitudinal structure, several kilometres wide, stretching from Zawiercie through Siewierz towards Tworóg, where Devonian carbonate formations occur directly under the Triassic overburden. This tectonically controlled elevated structure, redefined in this paper as the Brudzowice (Siewierz) elevation, is the effect of Variscan restructuring of the area, which was accompanied by magmatism carrying polymetallic mineralization, and by intense erosion reaching the Lower Devonian formations. The Bibiela PIG-1 borehole, drilled in 2016, revealed the presence of Ordovician and Ediacaran clastics under the Devonian, in which metasomatic changes and ore mineralization located within the range of low-temperature hydrothermal effects associated with an acid magmatic intrusion were observed. A complex ore association with Cu, Fe, Zn, Pb, and Ni and As minerals have been found. The presence of chalcopyrite extends the list of documented manifestations of copper mineralization in the Upper Silesian Block, so far observed in the late Paleozoic and Lower Triassic formations, thus indicating the prospect for further exploration in this area.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia