Działalność kartograficzna geologów z PIG w ramach Służby Geograficznej Komendy Głównej AK udokumentowana arkuszami mapy taktycznej WIG ze zbiorów Biblioteki Narodowej


  • Lucyna Szaniawska


Cartographic activity of PGI geologists within the Department of Geology of Geographic Service of the Headquarters of Home Army, documented with copies of MGI tactical map sheets from the collections of the National Library.A b s t r a c t. At the end of 1987, 12 titles of sheets of a manuscript geological map of Poland, the existence of which had not been known to the researchers before, found their way to the collection of the National Library. Currently, they form a very valuable historical collection. The research of individual sheets in connection with information published by Bogusław Krassowski (1981) and facts from the biography of Professor Edward Rühle, published by his colleagues – geologists, allowed documenting some aspects of the underground activity of Polish geologists. The tactic map sheets 1: 100,000, printed in the 1930s (except for the previous sheet Wyżwa) at the Military Geographic Institute (MGI), were used as the basis for the sheets being processed. Geological information has been manually marked on the map since at least mid-1942. The Iłża and Solec sheets document the names of geologists performing field (and possibly in- office) work: Władysław Pożaryski, Edward Rühle, Jan Samsonowicz, Czesław Kuźniar and Mieczysław Kobyłecki. Two sheets contain written dates indicating the period of their creation: “send on 10/6. 1942” on the Iłża sheet, and the E. Rühle's reference number with the date 2. XII [II or III]. 1942 on the Opole sheet. Regardless of the direct purpose of these maps, they are testimony to the activities of the Geological Department of the Geographical Service of the Headquarters of Home Army, and document the underground work carried out by geologists of the Polish Geological Institute.




Historia geologii