Historia pierwszej w Warszawie pracowni mikropaleontologicznej


  • Eugenia Gawor-Biedowa


History of the first micropalaeontological laboratory in Warsaw.A b s t r a c t. Micropalaeontological Laboratory at the Polish Geological Institute in Warsaw was organized by Władysław Pożaryski in 1947. The studies were going towards the development of regional micropalaeontological stratigraphic schemes of Mesozoic deposits of Poland (excluding the Carpathians) and dating rocks, based on micropalaeontological analyses. Results of examination of a huge number of samples (over 90,000) have been the basis for biostratigraphical reports and monographs, diagnoses of many new taxa, and over 1000 archival collections of Mesozoic, Paleogene and Neogene microfaunas. The golden era of the Laboratory had lasted almost four decades.




Historia geologii