Działania Muzeum Geologicznego Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego – Państwowego Instytutu Badawczego prowadzone w celu wykorzystania edukacyjnego i ochrony starych kamieniołomów


  • Monika Krzeczyńska
  • Andrzej Wierzbowski
  • Paweł Woźniak
  • Marlena Świło
  • Agnieszka Chećko


Educational activities of the Geological Museum of the Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute conducted for the protection of old quarries.A b s t r a c t. The pits that left after exploitation of solid rock minerals are extremely interesting geological objects. They contain records of ancient processes that led to the exposure of rock formations, allowing the timing of these processes. The data obtained from abandoned quarries can be used for scientific studies, but it can also be applied in all activities aimed at popularizing knowledge about abiotic nature. Therefore, these localities should be under legal protection or at least secured against devastation, which often faces considerable difficulties. The Geological Museum has undertaken actions aiming at the protection of abandoned quarries, most often in the form of projects dedicated to geotourism management and creating geotourist trails. These projects are a chance to save important geosites from devastation, overgrowing by vegetation, or fading into oblivion. The article presents case studies of successfully managed old quarries, as well as failed attempts.




Geologia Środowiska