Wpływ lokalnych zmian ukształtowania powierzchni terenu na warunki wodne otoczenia, wraz z interpretacją wg Prawa wodnego


  • Bartłomiej Rzonca


The effect of local changes in relief on hydrologic conditions in the surrounding area, with an interpretation based on the Water Law.A b s t r a c t. Typical changes in surface relief resulting from earthworks include the construction of earthen and debris-type embankments and the excavation of hillslope sides. The paper places in groups and discusses local changes in the hydrologic conditions associated with these types of changes in relief and provides an interpretation of these changes in agreement with current PolishWater Law. The expected and frequent effect of earthen embankments is a rise in the groundwater level under the embankment, which may lead to the formation of a wetland in its immediate vicinity and higher groundwater levels across larger areas on the hillslope above. Some embankments redirect surface runoff from surrounding areas or block it, thus creating outflow-free depressions. Other embankments help form surface runoff that flows down from the surface of the embankment. Some embankments are secured with solid walls that yield a variety of unique hydrodynamic effects. In many cases, the levelling of terrain for construction purposes is accompanied by the undercutting of hillslopes, the effects of which are also noted in the paper. Yet another issue is the susceptibility of embankments to gravity-driven mass movements, especially mudslides and landslides. The excessive weight of an embankment may also cause landslides in the embankment’s base formations.



