PRAWO I ADMINISTRACJA GEOLOGICZNA Geotermia w Polsce – rozwój stymulowany przez środki subfunduszu geologicznego Narodowego Funduszu Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej


  • Piotr S. Dziadzio
  • Jolanta Maj
  • Magdalena Jerzak
  • Katarzyna Ofiara
  • Dominik Bąk
  • Beata Kuś


Geothermal energy in Poland – development stimulated by the geological subfund of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.A b s t r a c t. The paper presents results of evaluation of geothermal projects submitted in 2016–2018 within the priority program entitled Geology and mining, part 1 – “Understanding the geological structure of the country and the management of mineral and groundwater resources” implemented from the financial resources of the National Fund for Environmental Protection andWater Management. The paper also describes the present-day stage of geothermal projects financed by the fund and the assumptions of a new priority program that is currently being implemented in order to develop geothermal heating in Poland.




Prawo w geologii