PRAWO I ADMINISTRACJA GEOLOGICZNA Kilka uwag w sprawie użytkowania górniczego – w związku z artykułem K. Szamałka i K. Zglinickiego


  • Aleksander Lipiński


Some remarks about mining usufruct – reference to the paper of K. Szamałek and K. Zglinicki.A b s t r a c t. Critical remarks regarding the current Geological and Mining Act are widely known. First of all, it is difficult to find criteria separating mining ownership and landownership. Current regulation of mining usufruct arising as a result of the disposal by the State Treasury on mining property rights does not provide entrepreneurs with stable investment conditions. Changing this state requires undertaking a multilevel discussion and determined intervention of the legislator. Unfortunately, so far public authorities have not been interested in making them.




Prawo w geologii