Jeziora Parku Narodowego Pojezierze Smoleńskie (Rosja)


  • Robert Skrzypczak


Lakes of the Smolensk Lakeland National Park (Russia).A b s t r a c t. The Smolensk Lakeland National Park is situated north of Smoleńsk in the NWRussia. Its morphology is associated with the last European ice sheet: glacial erosion and accumulation, glacial water activity, locally with the so-called thermokarst process or karst in the strict sense. The post-glacial morphological depressions are filled with lake waters. The most interesting lakes are: Chistik, Mutnoye, Balshoye and Maloye Striechnoye, Glubokoye, Dolgoye, Krugloye, Pietrovskoye, Bukino, Gorodishche, Svyatec, Sapsho, Polovia, Gniloye, Rytoye, Dgo, Shchuch’ye, Baklanovskoye, Bachovskoye, Vervizhskoye, Pal’tsevskoye and Bieloye. The Smolensk Lakeland National Park is one of a few territories in Europe where the beauty of nature and landscapes dominate the long-standing human presence. Nowadays, there are a few residents, a growing number of patients, seasonal campers and tourists in the park area.




Geologia Środowiska