Późnoglacjalne i holoceńskie zmiany środowiska zapisane w osadach organogenicznych profilu Bysławek-2 (Wysoczyzna Świecka – północna Polska)


  • Dariusz Wieczorek
  • Hanna Winter


Late glacial and Holocene changes of environment recorded in organogenic sediments in the Bysławek -2 profile (Świecie Plateau – N Poland).A b s t r a c t. Core drilling of a hole Bysławek-2 consisted of gyttja and peat, lying on the mineral deposits (fluvioglacial sand). Lake sediments and peat were investigated by pollen analysis and radiocarbon dating (AMS). Sedimentation of mineral deposits took place into the subglacial channel, during the Main Stage of the Vistula Glaciation. The beginning of sedimentation in lake is dating at 13 340 ± 70 years 14C BP, but pollen data suggest the Alleröd character of vegetation. According to pollen analysis gyttja and peat covered the period from the Alleröd to the Subboreal. The Alleröd forest dominated by Pinus sylvestris became more open in the Younger Dryas. The Holocene history of vegetation is characterized by relatively low content of Carpinus and Fagus in forest. Human impact was also generally low throughout the Holocene.





Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia