Zagospodarowanie przestrzenne na terenach objętych ruchami masowymi na przykładzie południowej części gminy Bochnia
Land-use planning in areas affected by mass movement: case study from southern part of the Bochnia commune.A b s t r a c t. The data collected in land-use planning for Bochnia community and results of surface investigation and detailed mapping of landslides in this region were analyzed. Geological works were done in the frame of the Landslide Protection Framework Project. The 369 landslides with total area of 666 ha were distinguished in Bochnia community region as a result of these efforts. Tract record analysis indicates that 74% of landslides found in a field of total area of 490.7 ha was not covered in recent land-use plan. There were recognized 14.9 ha of active or periodically active landslides in a zone secured for investments (total acreage of this zone is 1399.4 ha). Also the roads network of Bochnia community is vulnerable to negative effects of mass movement. Total length of roads in the investigated area is 76.2 km, from which 9% of the roads cut the landslides. There is a dependence between development of landslides and main geomorphological units as well as diversity of basement lithology. All of the landslides occur in southern part of community, where strongly tectonically engaged Zgłobice, Silesian and Sub-Silesian Units are found in a basement.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia