Walory przyrody nieożywionej niektórych wysp zachodniej części Morza Bałtyckiego


  • Borys Borówka
  • Marta Kwaśny


Attractions of inanimate nature of the western Baltic islands.A b s t r a c t: The paper presents some geotouristic beauty spots and attractions of western part of the Baltic Sea. Presentation of these beauty spots was inspired by results of the Baltic Sea cruises organized in the years 2004–2008. The Geoturysta Students’ Scientific Circle acting at the Faculty of Mining and Geology of the Silesian University of Technology was an organizer of these ventures. Eachof the cruises started from Trzebieża at the Szczeciński Bay to cover an area from the eastern coast of Denmark up to the Bornholm Island. The major geotouristic beautyspots of the Rügen and Ruden (Germany), Møn, Bornholm and Christiansø (Denmark)islands are described.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia