ARTYKUŁY INFORMACYJNE Sposoby użytkowania górotworu na świecie i w Polsce


  • Andrzej Przybycin
  • Barbara Uliasz-Misiak
  • Ludwik Zawisza


Underground space use: world wide and in Poland.A b s t r a c t. Underground space is used in a number of ways, e.g. for transport infrastructure, public utility objects, for waste disposal and storing of various substances and fuels. Underground space is used for activities or facilities which cannot be realized on surface because they would be too difficult to perform or environmentally hazardous or expensive. Offices, stores, warehouses, cultural and recreation objects as well as city or intercity subways are located very shallow under the surface. At greater depth storages, tunnels and car parkings could be located. At ca. 250–3000 m of depth underground space is employed for storing natural gas, energy, fuels, carbon dioxide and radioactive waste. Underground disposal sites and storages are made in abandoned workings and pore space. The shallow part of underground space has been utilized only to a small degree in Poland. Deeper zones are used for non-tank natural gas storages in rock mass, in that in abandoned workings, underground oil, fuel and waste storages, in rock mass and in abandoned workings. At present four underground waste disposal sites are operational in Poland; there are eight underground gas storages: five in closed mine and one in a salt dome. Storing in pore space has best perspectives in Poland.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia