Oblicza geologii – przykładowe projekty ścieżek geoturystycznych


  • Monika Krzeczyńska
  • Paweł Woźniak


Faces of geology – examples of project of geotouristic trails.A b s t r a c t. In order to enhance its touristic and environmental offer with new geology facilities, Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute has started to design new geotouristic paths in Poland. These paths will have a positive economic boost on the areas and at the same time utilize certain components of abiotic environment. They will also expose the true value of geology facilities in particular parts and geological diversity of the entire country. Several projects of fresh paths in different areas of Poland have been developed. Due to the support of local authorities, four of them have become existent recently. The rest of them are still being implemented or are looking for a financial aid. Two of those paths were designed for theonline usage and they function as virtual strolls. They are available at this website: http://geoportal.pgi.gov.pl/portal/page/portal/muzeum.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia