Pochodzenie mineralnych wód chlorkowo-sodowych w rejonie Rzeszowa w świetle badań izotopowych (δ18O i δD, δ13C, δ37Cl) i chemicznych


  • Anna Baran
  • Andrzej Pelc
  • Stanisław Chmiel
  • Stanisław Hałas


Origin of saline waters in the vicinity of Rzeszów in light of isotope (δ18O i δD, δ13C, δ37Cl) and hydrochemical studies.A b s t r a c t. Several decades ago during exploration for additional resources of tap water a saline water deposit (Cl-Na, J, Fe, B type) has been discovered in the area of Rzeszów hospital park. Nowadays thiswater is exploited for balneological purposes. In the frame-work of this study for the first time the followingstable isotopes: δ18O i δD, δ13C, δ37Cl and radiocarbon were determined in order to elucidate the origin ofwater, its mineralization and quality. Oxygen and hydrogen isotope data leads to conclusion that these waters were formed in a warm pre-Pleistocene period or they are mixture of Miocene seawater with Pleistocene infiltration waters. Carbon isotopic composition (δ13C= –8.65‰) of bicarbonate is characteristic for deep pore waters occurring in sedimentary rocks, whereas distinctly positive and negative δ37Cl value rather excludes origin of chlorine ion from an open sea basin. Absence of radiocarbon (in Rzeszów well) indicates no admixture of recent infiltration waters, hence these waters are well preserved from anthropogenic pollution. This is further confirmed by very low concentration of nitrate



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia