Przebieg i korelacja sukcesji pyłkowych późnego plejstocenu na terenie Polski i Białorusi
The course and correlation of the Late Pleistocene pollen sequences from Poland and Belarus.A b s t r a c t. The most representative and long Late Pleistocene pollen sequences covering the late glacial of the penultimate glaciation (Warta/Pripiat), the last interglacial (Eemian/Muravian) and the early glacial ofthe Last Glaciation (Vistulian/Poozerie) from the territory of Poland and Belarus have been correlated. Theresemblance of pollen spectra in these pollen sequences and a parallel succession of Regional Pollen Assemblage Zones in the considered time intervals suggest that the natural environment of Poland and Belarus underwent synchronous changes under unidirectional climatic transformations. Qualitative and quantitative features of the Regional Pollen Assemblage Zones show similarities and differences in vegetation and climate changes in the study area. A comparison of the pollen spectra from Poland and Belarus suggests that both territories were affected by a similar climate particularly during the cold intervals. Some differences between the compositions of the pollen spectra were noticed as concerns the interglacial period. For instance, Abies and Taxus pollen as well as significantly high percentages of Calluna vulgaris pollen in NE Poland towards the end of the period are present only in the Polish sections. This may suggest a more Atlantic type of the climate during the Last Interglacial in Poland than in Belarus.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia