ARTYKUŁY INFORMACYJNE Projekty unijne realizowane z udziałem Pracowni Odnawialnych Źródeł Energii IGSMiE PAN – „Promowanie systemów geotermalnego centralnego ogrzewania w Europie”
EU projects implemented with the participation of the Division of Renewable Energy Sources MEERI PAS – "Promote Geothermal District Heating Systems in Europe".A b s t r a c t. Since April 2012, the Division of Renewable Energy Sources of the Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences has been participating in the EU Project called Promote Geothermal District Heating Systems in Europe (GEODH) within the frame of Intelligent Energy Europe Program. The Project will last 30 months and aims to accelerate the market penetration by geothermal energy in district heating systems in Europe. This shall be achieved by addressing and removing regulatory, financial and market barriers at regional and local levels – adequate proposals will be developed and then presented to relevant decision makers in all countries embraced by the Project. The GEODH gathers 10 partners representing 14 countries, was initiated and is coordinated by the European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC). The activities will focus on seven Central and Eastern European member states (including Poland) and on seven old member states. The purpose of the Project is directly coupled with a long-term perspective of increasing the uptake of geothermal district heating in the heat market by 2020 (following 3x20 set of EU directives) through the improvement and expansion of geothermal district heating systems in European countries. Moreover, geothermal energy is still in a shadow of other renewable energy sources on our continent, but does creates a prospective source for many district heating systems, which can significantly contribute to achieve 20% of renewables in final energy consumption in EU by 2010.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia