ARTYKUŁY GEOTURYSTYCZNE Granitowy krajobraz Kotliny Jeleniogórskiej – dopełnienie Geoparku Karkonosze


  • Piotr Migoń


Granite landscape of the Jelenia Góra Basin – a complement to the Karkonosze Geopark.A b s t r a c t. The intramontane basin of Jelenia Góra in the West Sudetes (SW Poland) is located adjacent tothe Karkonosze Mountains, recently proclaimed as a national geopark. Although formally not included into the geopark, geological history and geomorphology allow to consider the basin as a logical complement of the Karkonosze Geopark. More than 20 easily accessible localities are potential geosites, illustrating the history of magma emplacement, lithological and structural diversity of granite, Cenozoic volcanism, evolution of denudational granite relief, the history of Pleistocene inland glaciation and human – geoheritage interactions, which culminated in the development of landscape parks in the 19th century. Geosites in the Jelenia Góra Basin do not duplicate those in the Karkonosze Mountains, but tell different chapters from the long-term geological evolution of theWest Sudetes.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia