ARTYKUŁY GEOTURYSTYCZNE Geopark „Kamienny Las na Roztoczu” i jego walory geoturystyczne


  • Marek Krąpiec
  • Leszek Jankowski
  • Włodzimierz Margielewski
  • Jan Urban
  • Paweł Krąpiec


The Stone Forest (Kamienny Las) Geopark in Roztocze and its geoturistic values.A b s t r a c t. Roztocze – the picturesque region abounding with unique landforms and pre-Quaternary rock outcrops, is characterized by high geodiversity. Silicified wood fragments are the specific peculiarities of this area and its unique geological heritage. The petrified wood became the geoturistic symbol of this region. Numerous historical buildings and monuments, such as churches, roadside crosses and thumbs (mainly from the 18–19th centuries), made of local rocks, are the remnants of history of three societies: Polish (Roman-Catholic), Ukrainian (Greek-Catholic) and Jewish, which coexisted in the Roztocze region until the Second World War. These traditions and remnants constitute the diverse cultural heritage of this area. Extraordinary geodiversity, natural and cultural values as well as social circumstances gave rise to the establishment of the Stone Forest Geopark in Roztocze, promoting the geological heritage, with special regard to the petrified wood. High scientific and educational values of more than 150 geosites recorded in this region create the advantageous perspectives of geotourism development as well as comprehensive ecological education. Eight geotouristic trails are planned in the Geopark. The expansion of the Geopark onto the Ukrainian part of Roztocze seems to be possible



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia