ARTYKUŁY PRZEGLĄDOWE Procesy nasunięć płaszczowinowych w Tatrach


  • Edyta Jurewicz


Nappe-thrusting processes in the Tatra Mts.A b s t r a c t. In the Tatra Mts., Late Cretaceous nappe-thrusting processes took place underwater and at considerable overburden pressure. The main decollement level was anisotropic Triassic evaporite rocks (so-called Rauhwacke), whose selective solution significantly influenced the resultant complex geometry of the thrust contacts. High pressure fluids expelled into the thrusts zones facilitated tectonic transport and mass-loss processes. The mass-loss was preceded by pressure solution, hydrofracturing leading to mechanical disintegration, and cavitation erosion (hydrotectonic phenomena). Fluids released to the shear zones acted as a "water pillow" facilitating the motion of nappes. The multistage character of thrusting resulted in increasing mass loss and in geometrical complexity of the nappe-based shear zone.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia