Wgłębna budowa geologiczna górnej części Wąwozu Kraków w świetle badań Jaskini Wysokiej – Za Siedmiu Progami, Tatry Zachodnie


  • Jacek Szczygieł


Subsurface geological structure of upper part of the Kraków Gorge based on studies of the Wysoka – Za Siedmiu Progami Cave, West Tatra Mts.A b s t r a c t. Structural evolution of the autochtonous Tatric sedimentary cover is discussed on the basisof results of structural studies on the Wysoka – Za Siedmiu Progami Cave and 3D modeling of subsurface geological structure of upper part of the Kraków Gorge in theWestern Tatra Mts. The studies showed presence of three faults. The oldest fault was formed during the Late Cretaceous and rejuvenated in subsequent phases of deformations, as evidenced by multi-stage mineralization. Strike of that fault is meridian and of the two others – latitudinal. Dislocations and collapses corridors, and normal-slip movement parallel to the slope proves their activity during the Quaternary. The course of the Malmian-Neocomian and Urgonian boundary was alsodefined. On the west side of the studied area, the bedding is shaped in crest-like inverted syncline. Axis of the syncline plunges toward the north at the angle of 55° to its crossing with the meridian fault. In lower limb of the root-hinge and at western side of the meridian fault the layers are arranged in the form of a wide anticline.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia