ARTYKUŁY INFORMACYJNE Chronostratygrafia późnoczwartorzędowych klastycznych osadów jaskiniowych w Polsce w XIX i w XXI wieku – ile się zmieniło?


  • Maciej T. Krajcarz


Chronostratigraphy of Late Quaternary clastic cave sediments in Poland in 19th and 21st centuries – what haschanged?A b s t r a c t. In 21st century the chronostratigraphy of cave sediments is built on the basis of modern methods: sedimentological analysis, statistical analysis of palaeozoological data, radiometric and luminescence dating and many others. For the time of last 50 000 years the four geochronological units (or appropriate chronostratigraphic units) are usually proposed in Poland in the researches of cave sediments. They are: Interpleniglacial, Upper/Younger Pleniglacial, Late Glacial and Holocene. That scheme has over 150 years of evolution, and its origin was tied with biostratigraphical scheme built by Edouard Lartet in a middle of 19th century. Lartet's stratigraphy for the same period was also made of four units: Cave Bear Epoch, Mammoth and Wooly Rhinoceros Epoch, Reindeer Epoch and Auroch Epoch. Although basing on different methods and using different terminology, the two schemes – from the 19th and from 21st centuries – are similar and correlatable.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia