ARTYKUŁY INFORMACYJNE Przyszła struktura energetyczna oraz rola CCS w Polsce – wnioski z ostatnich konferencji w Niemczech i w Polsce


  • Grzegorz Pieńkowski


Future energy mix and the role of CCS in Poland – conclusions from recent conferences in Germany and Poland.A b s t r a c t: Recent conferences in Germany and Poland outlined future scenarios of energy mix and CCS  in Poland.With CCS the emissions of CO2 can be reduced considerably, despite technical and economical challenges. Fossil fuels will maintain significant share in energy mix in next decades due to sufficient supply and relatively low prices, which will negatively influence the growth of renewable energy. Poland might play a major role in development of CCS, particularly in research and development (R&D). Industry should play a key role in implementation of new technologies, including CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) and CCU (Carbon Capture and Utility). Global agreements, international strategies and projects are necessary, while achievement of these are grim due to conflicting political and economical interests. Market-oriented approach (including universal carbon tax) is now more promising than technology-oriented one. The use of shale gas , is in general environmentally desirable way for Poland. Professional public communication and education is urgently needed due to an inherited deficit of social capital and irresponsible activity of some NGOs, often driven by particular interests.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia