ARTYKUŁY GEOTURYSTYCZNE Walory geoturystyczne rzeźby lessowej zachodniej części Wyżyny Lubelskiej


  • Wojciech Zgłobicki
  • Renata Kołodyńska-Gawrysiak
  • Leszek Gawrysiak
  • Andrzej Pawłowski


Geotourism assets of loess relief in western part of the Lublin Upland.A b s t r a c t. The characteristic group of loess relief in the western part of the Lublin Upland makes up a unique and varied landscape that is particularly attractive for tourists. Gullies, whose density exceeds 11 km/km2 in the Kazimierz Dolny area, are the best known element of the loess landscape. Along the gullies, tourist and interpretive trails have been established, but there is a lack of well-prepared geotourism trails. The southern part of the study area, the Urzędów Hills, is particularly underdeveloped in terms of tourism. This study presents the key characteristics of loess relief in the western part of the Lublin Upland, the current development of tourist infrastructure, and prospects for geotourism based on the unique landforms in the area. A few geotourism trails focusing on the unique loess relief features have been proposed, and attention has been drawn to threats to these landscape assets posed by certain forms of adventure tourism and problems related to private land ownership.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia