Z MINIONYCH CZASÓW „Geolog w terenie... czyli lata 20., lata 30. na archiwalnych fotografiach Profesora Zdzisława Pazdry” – wystawa w Muzeum Geologicznym im. S. J. Thugutta na Wydziale Geologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego


  • Grzegorz Barczyk
  • Mariusz Niechwedowicz


"A geologist in the field... the 1920s and 1930s in archival photos of Professor Zdzisław Pazdro collection" – exhibition at the S. J. Thugutt Geological Museum of the Faculty of Geology (University of Warsaw).A b s t r a c t. This paper presents a collection of archival photographs taken by Zdzisław and Olga Pazdro. The collection was purchased by the S. J. Thugutt Geological Muzeum (Faculty of Geology, University of Warsaw). The set of vintage photographs consists of a few hundred previously unknown large-format glass plates, celluloid negatives and prints dated 1926–1939. This unique collection documents Professor's scientific fieldwork, excavations, fieldtrips and daily life scenes.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia