Nowe kierunki naukowo-badawcze w polskiej części obszaru sudeckiego w aspekcie zastosowania technologii HDR i EGS


  • Wiesław Bujakowski
  • Antoni Barbacki
  • Robert Skrzypczak


New directions of research in the Polish part of the Sudetic area in the aspect of HDR and EGS technologies.A b s t r a c t. The fast-growing discipline in the field of geothermal research is the prospecting for geological structures useful for HDR (Hot Dry Rock) or EGS (Enhanced Geothermal Systems) technologies. In Poland, an interesting area for such research is the Sudetes, particularly the Karkonosze Mts. pluton and Fore-Sudetic Block. The article presents issues of scientific projects prepared in the Division of Renewable Energy of Mineral and Energy Economy Research, Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków, related to the recognition of geothermal conditions of the Sudetic region. On the background of global research, these projects demonstrate an innovative character mainly by targeting research on the analysis of tectonics and volcanism of the Sudetes as important factors of the presence of local positive thermal anomalies. Implementation of the afore-mentioned projects would create the possibility of extending still modest knowledge of the deep geological structure of the Sudetic area.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia