Mofeta z Tylicza w płaszczowinie magurskiej Karpat zewnętrznych


  • Jacek Rajchel
  • Lucyna Rajchel
  • Janusz Cisek


Mofetta from Tylicz in the Magura Nappe of the Outer Carpathians.A b s t r a c t. The described mofetta of CO2 is located in the Sądecki Beskid Mts, within the Poprad Landscape Park in Tylicz near Krynica, where it can be found on the SE slope of the Szalone hill, between the Syhowny and Bradowiec streams, the rightbank tributaries of the Muszynka Stream. The mouth of the mofetta, whose coordinates are: longitude 21o00'20''E, latitude 49o23'25''N, and altitude 577 m a.s.l., is currently situated within a private holiday center. Geologically, the mofetta is situated within the MaszkowiceSandstone Member of the Magura Formation, in the SE part of the Magura Nappe of the Outer Carpathians. In its close vicinity the tectonic-facies Krynica zone is thrusted onto the Bystrzyca zone and the thrust line is intersected by the Tylicz dislocation. The daily volume of the gas discharged is estimated at fifteen or so thousand cubic meters with CO2 being the main constituent (almost 95%), while minor constituentsinclude N2 (3.87%), CH4 (0.62%) and O2 (0.21%). The d13C value of the CO2 of the Tylicz mofetta is –1.05‰ against V-PDB. The gases of the mofetta are accompanied by an outflow of the carbonated water (HCO3-Ca-Mg + CO2 type, TDS 1.8 g/dm3) from the Lis spring, where abundant gelatinous, rusty-colored deposits of iron oxyhydroxides precipitate. In the years 1962–1966 the CO2 exhaled from the mofetta was utilized in experiments on algae growing, mainly for manufacturing an algae fodder. In the year 2011 the mofetta in Tylicz was made accessible to the public.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia