Poszukiwanie i rozpoznawanie niekonwencjonalnych złóż węglowodorów – stan prac i działania Ministerstwa Środowiska


  • Katarzyna Pliszczyńska


Prospection and exploration of unconventional hydrocarbon deposits – progress in work and actions of the Ministry of the Environment.A b s t r a c t. The article describes the development of exploration work in the field of unconventional hydrocarbon deposits (primarily shale gas) in Poland and presents the current progress of operations – number of licenses and license holders, completed drillings and special treatments (hydraulic fracturing). It also informs about the legislative changes planned by the governmental authorities whose aim is to boost the development of the oil and gas industry, as well as to ensure fair division of revenue from extraction of hydrocarbons between license holders, the State Treasury and local self-governments. The article also lists the most important initiatives of the Ministry of the Environment concerning the environmental and social conditions of shale gas exploration (environmental monitoring of operations and information and education activities).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia