ARTYKUŁY GEOTURYSTYCZNE Waloryzacja geostanowisk na obszarze projektowanego Geoparku Łysogórskiego w Górach Świętokrzyskich


  • Anna Fijałkowska-Mader
  • Jan Malec


Valorization of geosites in the projected Łysogóry Geopark in the Holy Cross Mountains.A b s t r a c t: The paper presents results of valorization of geosites in the Łysogóry Region of the Holy Cross Mountains, which warrant creation of the Łysogóry Geopark. Numerous geosites of different Paleozoic rocks offer a great educational potential, combining many fields of knowledge, such as geology, geomorphology, paleontology, paleoecology, ancient metallurgy industry and historical monuments. Geodiveristy makes this area very attractivefor geotourism.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia