Ocena opóźnienia migracji TCE w ośrodku porowatym na podstawie testów statystycznych
Estimation of retardation of tce migration in a porous medium using batch tests.A b s t r a c t. Sorption is one of the most important processes responsible for contaminants migration in groundwater. The main aim of this study was to determine the retardation of TCE migration due to sorption in the Quaternary aquifer consisting mainly of medium to fine sands. Two types of the aquifer material, characterised by different grain-size distributions and similar organic matter contents were used for the batch tests. Soil samples came from a representative profile of the Nowa Dęba area – the site contaminated with chlorinated ethenes. The batch experiments allowed for determining the sorption isotherms, the partition coefficients K, between liquid and solid phases and, finally, the retardation coefficients R of TCE migration in groundwater in the porous aquifer.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia