OneGeology – geologia jedna!
OneGeology – common geology!A b s t r a c t. The international initiative of Geological Surveys OneGeology is 5 years old this year. Currently, 117 countries participate in OneGeology. Thanks to international cooperation, a geological map of the world is being created. This is the first one constructed as a distributed data system, where the owners and distributors are individual countries. According to the assumptions presented in OneGeology a superficial and bedrock geology maps are produced in a digital format. The process of implementation and testing of the GeoSciML geological data exchange language has already begun and it ensures the geological data interoperability. This is the first step in the efforts to harmonize data. The result will be a consistent map, where the geological units will be defined clearly and artificial faults along the administrative borders, being a result of differences in geological interpretation of the same rocks, will disappear. The Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute provides a geological map of Poland at a scale of 1 : 1 000 000 as WMS and WFS web services. Currently, other maps are in preparation, which allow knowing the general surface and subsurface geological structure of Poland. The PGI-NRI, as a participant of OneGeology initiative, conducts also numerous presentations to popularize the project among representatives of the geological surveys including Angola, Ukraine and Albania. The result of Polish-Ukrainian cooperation is Geological Map of Ukraine published as WMS.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia