Modelowanie parametrów hydrogeologicznych i geotermicznych oraz automatyzacja obliczeń zasobów geotermalnych w skali regionalnej na przykładzie konstrukcji współczynnika mocy

Marek Hajto


Modelling of hydrogeological and geothermal parameters and automation of geothermal resources calculation on a regional scale, example of the power factor construction.
A b s t r a c t. This paper presents proposals for application of methodology of evaluation of geothermal resources on a regional scale, focusing on economic efficency of heat recovery through the analysis of the power factor distribution. The concept of the power factor design by Gosk (1982) is discussed according to the present conditions of socio-economic development in our country, including the prices of alternative fuel (coal), the current cost of drilling, etc. In the paper a solution for automation of geothermal resources calculation, based on complex operations on the three-dimensional spatial models (grids) using the specialized software for interpretation of geological data’s of Landmark Graphics Corporation – ZMap Plus package is presented. Attention is drawn to the possibility of using specialized programming macro language ZCL (Zycor Command Language) to perform complex, often repetitive, mathematical procedures, what significantly speeds up the calculation procedures and may reduce the computational errors.

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